What is a Computer Engineer?

Computer Engineering

Posted by Allen Douglas / in Science Articles

Computer engineering is related to both electronics and computer programming. In today's technology-driven world, good computer engineers are in high demand. Computer engineering skills in some ways go beyond a typical computer science graduate.

NASA computer system

Computer Sytems like with NASA system need computer engineers to develop

The First Computer Engineers

The first computer engineers were people like Steve Wozniak, who helped put together the first Apple computers. There were no specialized computer engineering educational programs at the time. Mr. Wozniak, however, earned a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and computer science. This was the perfect education for someone who innovated the computer industry. People like Mr. Wozniak were able to use their knowledge of electronics components to create computers that people would afford and enjoy.

Computer Engineering Today

Today, computer technology is much more advanced than when the first Apple iiC was created. There are now specialized university degrees to allow students to learn the skills needed to become a computer engineer. In practice, teams of computer engineers are now needed to develop commercial computing products. A highly-prized skill for computer engineers is the ability to work in teams. It is also an advantage to have multiple skills in understanding both electronics and hardware-level programming.

Becoming a Computer Engineer

Most universities do not have a separate computer engineering department. The computer engineering department is typically part of either the computer science or the electrical engineering department. Some larger universities, however, have a dedicated computer engineering department. A degree in computer engineering is typically a Bachelor of Science in either computer science with an emphasis on electronics or electrical engineering, with an emphasis on programming. If the college has a specific computer engineering program, then the degree may specify Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. For any type of college, it is recommended to attend an ABET accredited program. The ABET accreditation allows those with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering to later pass a professional engineering examination for their professional license. A PE Licencse for a computer engineer it is not extremely necessary unless the engineer wants to work on computer systems component failure may result in life and death. For example working on a automated computer system that controls subway cars or a traffic signal.

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