Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum - Ohio
Posted by Admin / in Museums & Science Places
The Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum offers travelers along Interstate 75 in Ohio a nice stopping point to learn about the history of the U.S. Space program. Wapokoneta, Ohio is the home of the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step foot on the surface of the moon. At that moment, the round light in the night sky people saw, but did not know much about, became human territory. Neil Armstrong is by far the most famous U.S. Astronaut and perhaps the most known astronaut worldwide. The museum has collected many artifacts from Mr. Armstrong's life, including items from before his time in the space program. There are also objects from his missions and other historical space mission items. The Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum has a moderate size, but contains significant pieces of history. The museum is operated by the Ohio Historic Society. There is a charge for admission, but Ohio Historic Society members receive free admission. Parking is free.

Space Capsule outside the Neil Armstong Air and Space Museum
The Air and Space Museum contains many artifacts from Neil Armstrong's service to his country. There is also information and exhibits that kids will enjoy throughout the museum. Outside the museum is one of the only places that visitors can actually climb inside a space capsule.
The museum traces the history of the Gemini and Apollo Space missions including the Apollo 11 space mission when Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. There is also a Gemini Spacecraft cockpit. There are facts and information about the science behind NASA's space missions. There is also information about how astronauts collected samples on the moon. A moon rock is one of the many artifacts on display at the museum. Kids can also see an actual Apollo space suit.
Most of the Armstrong Air and Space Museum is underground. The most visible part of the museum is the white dome. It is in view when passing by on Interstate 75 or from the front of the museum. Inside the dome is a continuously running movie about Neil Armstrong and the NASA space program. The remainder of the museum and gift shop fill the rest of the building.

Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon - Image credit:
With its convenient location off Interstate 75 between Toledo and Dayton, the Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum makes a nice stopping point when traveling. There are plenty of quick food or gas choices and a Wal-Mart at the Wapokoneta exit. The museum parking lot is quiet and has some picnic tables and shady spots under trees near the center of the lot. So whether the museum is the destination or a site-seeing picnic spot along the way to a more distant destination, the Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum is worth a look.