Facts about Jupiter

Facts about Jupiter for Kids

Posted by Admin / in Science Facts

Photo Credit: nasa.gov

Interesting Facts about the Planet Jupiter

  • Jupiter is the 5th planet in our solar system from the sun.

  • The average distance between the sun and Jupiter is 484 million miles (779 million kilometers).

  • Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

  • Jupiter is considered a gas giant since it has a thick gas atmosphere.

  • Jupiter has a diameter of 88,846 miles (142,984 km).

  • The gravity on Jupiter is 2.4 times greater than the gravity on Earth.

  • The daytime temperature range on Jupiter is between -189 and -261 degrees Fahrenheit (-163 and -123 degrees Celsius).

  • Jupiter is known for its great red spot in its southern hemisphere. During NASA space probe missions to Jupiter, scientists discovered that the giant red spot is actually a giant storm that is similar to a hurricane on Earth. Altough this hurricane has remained for at least hundreds of years and is 3 times larger than our entire planet.

  • The planet Jupiter emits more heat than it receives from the sun. Scientists think that because of Jupiter's large mass, the internal pressure inside Jupiter's core releases heat. Scientists think if Jupiter were larger it would become a small sun.

  • Jupiter rotates on its axis faster than any other planet in our solar system. One Jupiter a day is only 9 hours 55 minutes and 12 seconds long.

  • Jupiter has 67 confirmed moons.

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posted by Admin