Facts about Amphibans

Facts about Amphibians

Posted by Admin / in Science Facts

THe red-eyed tree frog is a type of amphibian.

Amphibian Facts

  • There are more than 8200 different types of amphibians.

  • Types of amphibians include frogs, toads, salamanders, caecilians, and newts.

  • Amphibians are cold-blooded. Their body temperature relies on the temperature of the air or water around them.

  • Amphibians have a more efficient system than birds or mammals that require energy to heat or cool their body.

  • Amphibians have a backbone so they are considered vertebrates.

  • Amphibians can live on land and in the water.

  • Some amphibians like frogs change during their life. When a frog is young it is called a tadpole and breathes air from water using gills like a fish. As a tadpole grows it develops lungs so it can breath air above water.

  • amphibian facts - tadpole

    This tadpole is developing into an air-breathing frog.

  • There are more than 4700 different types of frogs in the world.

  • amphibian facts - frog

    Frogs are amphibians.

  • Frogs have the unique ability to breathe through their skin.

  • Some amphibians are poisonous.

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posted by Admin

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