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Amphiban Facts for Kids

Facts About Amphibians

Posted by Admin / in Science Facts

Amphibians like this red-eyed tree frog start their life as a tadpole living under the water, but later develop lungs to move around on land.

Amphibian Facts

  • Amphibians are cold-blooded which means the temperature of their body changes when the temperature of the air or water around them changes.

  • Amphibians are vertebrates like mammals, birds, fish and reptiles. Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone.

  • Amphibians can live on land and in the water.

  • When they are young, most amphibians live in the water and breathe air using gills like a fish.

  • As they grow, most amphibians spend more time on land because they breathe air with their lungs like mammals, reptiles and birds.

  • Amphibians do not go far from the water. They must keep their skin moist.

  • There are many species of amphibians. Toads, frogs, salamanders, caecilians, and newts are some of the categories of amphibian species.

  • Frog and toad babies are called tadpoles. Tadpoles live underwater and breathe with their gills until their lungs form.

  • Salamanders and newt babies are called larva. Larvae live underwater until their lungs develop.

  • Amphibians that live in a cold climate hibernate in the winter.

  • During hibernation, a frog breathes through only their skin.

  • Frogs in hibernation can live in temperatures as cold as 21 degrees Fahrenheit (-6 degrees Celsius).

  • Toads and frogs make croaking sounds to attract their mate.

  • Most amphibians have webbed feet so they can easily swim in the water, even after they develop lungs and spend more time on land.

  • Some amphibians are poisonous. The poison arrow frog is quite poisonous to people. Only .035 ounces (1 gram) of poison from them would kill up to 100,000 people.

  • The smallest amphibian is the Cuban Tree Frog which only grows to one-half an inch long (12 mm).

  • The largest amphibian is the Japanese and Chinese Giant Salamander, which grows to 5 to 6 feet in length (1.5 to 1.8 meters).

This frog egg is developing into a tiny tadpole

The tadpole now is starting to grow legs and is beginning to develop lungs.

The tadpole now has 4 legs, developed eyes and almost fully developed lungs

The tadpole is now a fully developed adult frog

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