DifficultyCarbon Dioxide Gas Experiment
Teach kids how to produce carbon dioxide gas
Posted by Admin / in Chemistry Experiments
Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is naturally present is our atmosphere, although it makes up less than 0.04 percent of the gas in the atmosphere. The popular term for carbon dioxide gas is greenhouse gas. Some think that carbon dioixde gas in the atmosphere is potentially harmful for our environment, although there is much debate since CO2 is naturally occurring. This experiment uses a simple substance to produce carbon dioxide gas.
Materials Needed
- Plastic water bottle
- Balloon
- Disposable cup
- Water
- Antacid tablets (must contain sodium bicarbonate)
- Fork or table knife
Step 1: Remove the label and completely dry the inside of a clear water bottle for each experiment station.
Step 2: *An adult must handle the antacid tablets or an adult must provide close supervision while the kids perform this experiment.* Take an antacid tablet out the package and place it in the bottom of a dry cup. Using the table knife or fork, chop up the antacid tablet into smaller pieces.

Place the antacid tablet in the bottom of a dry cup and crush into smaller pieces
Step 3: Carefully pour the antacid pieces and powder into the bottom of the dry water bottle.

Antacid pieces in the bottom of a dry water bottle
Step 4: Fill the water bottle about one quarter full. Pour the water quickly. Do not pour slow.
Step 5: Quickly place the balloon over the top of the water bottle opening to capture the gas being produced.

Quickly place the balloon over the water bottle opening to capture the gas. Make sure it is securely over the bottle opening past the threading so it does not blow off when the pressure is increased inside the bottle.
Step 6: Observe the reaction taking place within the mixture of water and tablet pieces.

Adding water to the dry tablet pieces results in a visual reaction of the mixture
Step 7: Watch the balloon as gas builds up inside the water bottle.

CO2 gas fills the water bottle and the pressure escapes into the balloon causing it to partially blow up.
Step 8: Carefully remove the balloon, pour the liquid out of the water bottle and rinse it out. Then safely dispose of any water bottles used in the experiment.
The active ingredient in the antacid is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), which is also known as baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate is a weak base. When the antacid is combined with water it reacts quickly, resulting in the release of sodium, water and carbon dioxide. The bubbles you saw during the reaction were the carbon dioxide gas being released. Since gas takes up more space than liquids and solids, as the carbon dioxide was released it started to try to take up the same space as the air that was trapped by the balloon in the bottle. As more carbon dioxide gas was released the gas built up pressure inside the bottle until the balloon started to expand.
All animals exhale carbon dioxide. The air animals exhale is not pure carbon dioxide, it only contains about 4 to 5 percent CO2 (carbon dioxide). Bacteria and decomposing organic material also naturally release carbon dioxide.