People have seen lightning in the sky for many years. Although we still cannot harness the electricity from lightning, in the last 200 years we have begun to understand how electricity works.
Kids can understand the basics of electricity. Electricity is similar to water since the flow of electricity is like the flow of water. Instead of water, electricity is simply the flow of electrons. Electrical current is similar to the volume of flow of water. In electricity, we call electricity flow current. For water flow we may measure the flow in gallons per minute or liters per minute, but for electricity flow, current is measured in Amps. The word amp is shortened from the original word ampre, which was named after André-Marie Ampère. Using the same comparison of electricity to water, another important measure of electricity is voltage. Voltage is compared to water pressure. Water pressure is used to make things move or do work. For example, high pressure water is used to pressure-clean the siding of houses. Higher voltages also have this ability. Higher voltage batteries have the ability to make motors move faster than low-voltage batteries.
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