Grasshopper Facts

Facts about Grasshoppers

Posted by A. Douglas / in Science Facts

grasshopper facts

Grasshoppers spend most of their day looking for food.


Red grasshopper image

Grasshoppers have 6 legs including 2 powerful rear legs that enable them to jump extremely far for their small size.

  • There are about 11,000 different species of grasshoppers.

  • A grasshopper's body has 3 parts including the head, thorax and abdomen. The grasshopper's thorax is where its 6 legs are attached. The abdomen is not located in the middle of the grasshopper, like a person's. Instead the abdomen is located on the bottom (back) of the grasshopper.

  • Grasshoppers are like crickets, but have shorter antennae on their head.

  • Grasshoppers hear sound with two tiny "ears" located on their belly.

  • Grasshoppers have 2 large eyes and 3 smaller simple eyes that all help them see their surroundings.

  • Grasshoppers have large hind legs and most adult grasshoppers have 2 sets of wings. One set on the front and one on the back.

  • Grasshoppers can jump a long distance. Their wings help them to jump much longer of a distance, but most grasshoppers cannot fly very far.

  • One type of grasshopper is the locust. Locusts are well-known from the bible from causing a plague. Scientifically, this type of grasshopper changes when there is a large group in one place. They become very competitive. Their body releases a chemical which allows the locust to become much strong and fly much further. Swarms of locusts are known to fly for thousands of miles, even across oceans, eating leaves and farmer's crops on the way. Locusts can eat their own weight in vegetation every day.

  • Grasshoppers eat mostly leaves and grasses. They are therefore herbivores.

  • Grasshoppers look for food most of the day. They are out both at night and during the day.

  • Many animals and other insects eat grasshoppers. Animals like reptiles, birds, mice and other small mammals eat grasshoppers. Large insects, like spiders and praying mantis also eat grasshoppers.

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grasshopper facts author

posted by Allen Douglas - Allen is a professional engineer, achieving a Master of Science in Engineering. He has taught at the university level, but enjoys helping younger students to learn about math and science. Mr. Douglas has been writing technical papers for over 20 years, and writing online articles since 2008.

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